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Whips on the Border: A Narrative Nearly Devoid of Facts.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” – George Orwell, 1984


This Author has a weapons collection. It is not a very large collection, as I am not that economically empowered. As I am American, it includes firearms, but few and in the categories that I need for home defense. The portion of the collection that is not firearms is the part that is relevant to the scenes of CPB agents whipping Haitian asylum seekers at the US – Mexico border broadcast around the world on September 21st 2021.


Making Millions from ICE While Never Leaving Columbus

$3,593,630 is a great deal of income in two short years for a family business. Especially when that income is realized from a single customer. However this is the amount that Farber Custom Vehicles has been paid through it's contracts with ICE, FEMA and the US Marshals Service. Although it may seem like the latter two are unrelated, ICE launders it's spending through those and other agencies as it proceeds with it's taxpayer funded ethnic cleansing.


Balloon Based Border Surveillance Tested in the Midwest

When I say word balloon, it evokes birthdays and celebrations or clowns and clever animal like sculptures. For people that are grouped into the marketing bracket called “generation x” it summons memories of a song about love and loss and nuclear war. If one is a student of the history of aviation, one will recall how it was the only way to fly for almost 200 years. If one is a complete whack job that believes in little green men from outer space, one believes that balloons are a hoax to cover up the Roswell incident. In reality, balloons are high technology devices for military use.


Columbus Police help ICE with midnight raid on east side women's shelter

Columbus is not a sanctuary city, despite the claims of the big fat liar in charge, Andy Ginther. It has not gone so far as to literally unleash the hounds (or in this case German Sheppard attack dogs) on behalf of ICE like the Ohio State Patrol, but contrary to resolutions in support of individual immigrants seeking sanctuary and other public pronouncements, the Columbus Division of Police does assist ICE in roundups.


The Ohio State Patrol will begin hunting immigrants with dogs just like the Gestapo

The Mockingbird, along with journalists from a number of other publications, including CounterPunch, Unicorn Riot, Muckrock, the Huffington Post and many others have been participating in an Anonymous lead effort to explore and expose the connections between ICE, it's concentration camps, it's contractors, Big Data, and local law enforcement.


When America tears children from parents, they become lost, and now the very record of their existence is destroyed.

When my grandparents came here as infants and toddlers in the early 1920s, the great lady of the harbor said “give me your tired, your poor huddled masses yearning to be free.” Today children are greeted at the border with a different refrain. According to the ACLU they are tossed into cages alone and told “Right now, we close the door, we rape you and fuck you.” by Border Patrol Agents.