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Alan Dershowitz

Jeffery Epstein's So-Called Suicide Creates More Questions Than It Answers

Billionaire Pedophile Jeffery Epstein, who has previously been extensively covered by this publication, was found dying in his cell last night in the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in NYC and pronounced dead later at the hospital. Although he was seen on a stretcher bleeding from the ears (photo below) and the cause of death was officially cardiac arrest, authorities claim he committed suicide and hanging himself in his cell.


Movie Review: Chappaquiddick or How to dramatize a coverup through omission

The whole process of watching Chappaquiddick was painful. Rotten Tomatoes gave this one an 80% rating for reasons I don’t fully understand. I entered the theater and the show was only available in IMAX. There was a bar next to the snack bar with an on duty Columbus cop drinking something from an opaque cup, and he was there when I left. There were no unarmed black children to shoot in the back so he had nothing to do but drink.